by Aggeliki Vlachou!
Μetal bow ties
The new trend in men’s accessories - metal bow ties!
Our new collection of bow ties, created by the jewelry designer Aggeliki Vlachou.
A wide array of decoration techniques are used on silver, bronze, german silver for an impressive end result! 24 carat gold/silver plated sheets can also be used for the bow ties.
You can order a bow tie, specifically designed for your style and personal preferences.

A Bit About Us
Now something for men: Bow tie worn as jewelry!
The new trend in men's accessories!
Our new collection of bow ties, designed by the jewelry artist Aggeliki Vlachou.
Each bow tie is a unique piece of art, handmade, out of silver, german silver, bronze or 24 carat gold/silver plated shets, tastefully decorated with different techniques for an impressive end result!
You can order a bow tie, specifically designed for your style and personal preferences.
The unique bow tie artwork of Aggeliki Vlachou is suitable for every occasion that you want to stand out and impress.
Special orders are accepted – you can have your bow tie perfectly matched with your clothes for every circumstance, formal or not!
Bow ties can be customized in the design and size you want and can be matched for all age groups - grown ups, teens, or even children.